Axioms of Exposure

Here I was on the island of Maui, enjoying a happy hour margarita testing out my depth of field skills. (I took Professor Young's encouragement to travel seriously.) Nothing like working and playing at the same time; that is the goal is life right? I am shooting with a Canon EOS Rebel T6i and 18-50mm lens.

My first attempt at DOF wasn’t as consistent as my second attempt. In my first attempt, my frame was horizontal and I was just gradually adjusting my shutter speeds and aperture. Where as in my second attempt, I shot vertically and I stayed more consist halfing both my F-stops and shutter speeds more evenly. The depth of field with the vertical framing is more noticeable, even though my margarita is out of focus in the first few frames.  I wasn’t on a tripod either, so the framing varies slightly; also, the lighting varies too due to people walking by. (Below are my settings in the captions.)

1/4000; F3.5; 3200

1/2500; F4.5; 3200  

1/1600; F5.6; 32000 

1/800; F8; 4000 

1/400; F11; 3200 

1/200; F16; 3200 

1/100; F22; 3200

The motion was really fun and I want to get way better at this. I was walking around the court yard, trying to find motion, but the lizards here are way too fast for my first attempt at motion and the butterfly I was stalking flew away, but then I found this little waterfall! The exposures from the top of the waterfall and to the bottom are quite extreme and was hard to keep the exposure balanced between the two, but the motion did pretty well. I can’t wait to try this with an even bigger waterfall!

Mini Waterfall (frozen motion)

S: 1/3200  A: F3.5  ISO: 6400

Mini Waterfall (blurred)
S: 0”5   A: F22  ISO: 100
