Breaking News: Bump stocks are inaccurate; gun laws don't need to change, but American gun culture does a local St. George gunshop said.
There has been a lot of emphasis in the media about the fact that Stephen Paddock used a bump stock along with his multiple AR rifles, and how this enabled him to make a semi-automatic gun into an automatic gun. Well, that is not necessarily true, and quick disclaimer I am about as uneducated as the next American on guns. So based off a conversation I had with a Mojave Desert police officer I ran into at Rowdy's Range and Shooter Supply,and Brett, one of the gun shop managers, both of them had said bump stocks are wildly inaccurate, and one of them said they have even seen people makeshift a bump stock by simply putting their thumb through their belt loop.
So a couple things that need to be clarified. First, the definition between an automatic weapon and a semi-automatic weapon. An automatic weapon means that when you hold down the trigger the gun will not stop shooting rounds until you release the trigger. A semi-automatic weapon means when you pull down the trigger only one round will be released, no matter what. That definition still stands for a semi-automatic weapon even when you add a magazine or bump stock to the gun. A bump stock simply aids in you being able to pull the trigger faster, but a person can arguably pull the trigger faster manually as well. And again, they are inaccurate, which doesn't matter much when you are shooting into a crowd of 22,000. It's like shooting into an ant hill, you are bound to hit some of them.
I also learned a few things. One, if you want to purchase a handgun you must purchase it in a state you are a resident of, because they are easier to conceal. Two, you can purchase a rifle in whatever state you would like, because they aren't easy to conceal, which is why Stephen Paddock was able to purchase so many guns. Three, a lot of the mass shootings in the past have used a type of AR gun, including the most recent church shooting in Texas. And four, all you have to get in order to purchase a gun is a background, which can be looked up literally in the matter of seconds on the internet or even a bit slower by way of a phone call. So why not make stricter gun laws and keep these guns out of the hands of these people? Chris, the officer gave me a good example. Say you are and your significant other get into an argument and get called by the neighbor for being too loud, well that goes on your record as domestic violence even if there was no actual physical violence and then in turn denies you the right to buy a gun until you get it appealed, so the laws are already pretty strict. And, let's face it if a person wants to get a gun to do something unlawful, then they aren't necessarily going to purchase the gun lawfully either. There is a black market for guns, just like there is for drugs, sex, etc. So by making it harder to obtain a gun through stricter laws than you are just enabling the average citizen from their Second Amendment right and making it harder for them to provide a means of self-defense.
I also learned that there is no national registry for guns in order to be able to show different gun shops how many guns a person owns and/or how many they might have purchased in a duration of time, which in my opinion I think could at least help set some red flags. But Brett told me some people like to collect guns just like any other person collects anything else, and can have a person come into the shop and buy three hands gun in one day just because he/she simply likes guns. Plus, the bump stock and magazines are accessories, and there was a numerous amount of gun accessories, so how do you regulate them all? Also is it necessary to do that when most people tend to use them for recreational purposes only? And again, how does this enable the average citizen to a right of self-defense?
Brett did say one of the things that needs to change is American culture with guns and by that he more specifically means education about guns. People aren't innately born to know anything and this includes guns, especially for men Brett had said. Brett said he would be a rich man if he got a nickel for everytime someone came into the shop claiming to know all there is to know about guns and safety. He said the majority of Americans probably don't know much about gun safety. He said he wishes hunter's safety was offered as a course in high school, like driver's ed and people need to be more proactive when it comes to there education about guns. I agree, I don't know much about guns, but I like them and I think they are fun. I remember wanting to take hunters safety, but never did because I was too busy. And one day I want to be a conceal weapons carrier for self defense purposes and I want to be good with a gun, but I know I have a lot to learn and long way to go before I will feel comfortable doing that.
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