Shooting a Package

The story I decided to cover was the growth of the honors program, now known as the Booth Honors Program after half a million dollar donation was given by Dr. Craig Booth and his wife Maureen Booth. The honors program was nonexistent basically and has grown a lot in just a few short years.

I thought my interviews were decent although I didn't get some of the interviews I wanted like with the honors president Jeff Yule or with Dr. Booth himself. I still might try to get those interviews though just because I want to see what kind of video I can edit and put together. I really loved the tripod I had purchased, but I noticed sometimes when I panned the drag still might be too tight and causes some vibration in my video, but I think I got enough to work with. Also, I applaud people who do live news, because my stand-ups were definitely not my first take, but I guess after enough stand-ups being live would become easier. My b-roll features some places on campus as well as one of the honors classes and monthly events. The audio for my interviews seems pretty good, but the audio in my standups could be better; made me think it might be worth investing in a Bluetooth mic for a smartphone.



